Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On Your Walls O Jerusalem...

"alchomotayich hifkaditi shomrim"

Today I counseled a woman over the phone who is being called by God to pray for Israel. After speaking to her almost an hour about everything the LORD is doing in her life, she casually mentions, "one of the things I have started praying for is that God would make me a Watchman..."

I said, hold on. There you go. You ask God tomake you a Watchman, and the very same night, He urges you to start praying for Israel, and to begin learning all you can about Him and His ancient paths? It is an answer to a prayer, I told her.

Anyway, He is gracious to answer our prayers that are in line with His will. May we all remember to ask Him to make us Watchmen, and then to remind us to keep our post and stand watch.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Evening, Ellen Begins Blogging

Am I really late? I have friends who have beeb running a blog for a decade and I am just now getting to it. Is it just for me? I mean, who in their right mind would be interested in my ramblings? I don't know. I don't check other people's blogs unless they specifically ask me to (at those times, I really do). There is one girl with a blog all about her cat and Icheck that one once in a while just because it is a little strange to me... And another friend who posts family information on hers, so I check that one every month or so. But what is my blog going to cover?

I am an artist, so I might post art-related stuff.

I am also a aspirin novelist, so I might post amatuer/beginner/hopeful novelist stuff.

But first and foremost, I am completely, totally and unequivocably sold out for God-- specifically, the One True God, Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Messiah), the visible image of YHVH, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So I will be posting stuff He gives me to post most likely. I just cannot learn enough about Him, say enough about Him, or even think enough about Him.

I see some lights flashing below...I'll post this and continue later.