Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Evening, Ellen Begins Blogging

Am I really late? I have friends who have beeb running a blog for a decade and I am just now getting to it. Is it just for me? I mean, who in their right mind would be interested in my ramblings? I don't know. I don't check other people's blogs unless they specifically ask me to (at those times, I really do). There is one girl with a blog all about her cat and Icheck that one once in a while just because it is a little strange to me... And another friend who posts family information on hers, so I check that one every month or so. But what is my blog going to cover?

I am an artist, so I might post art-related stuff.

I am also a aspirin novelist, so I might post amatuer/beginner/hopeful novelist stuff.

But first and foremost, I am completely, totally and unequivocably sold out for God-- specifically, the One True God, Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Messiah), the visible image of YHVH, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So I will be posting stuff He gives me to post most likely. I just cannot learn enough about Him, say enough about Him, or even think enough about Him.

I see some lights flashing below...I'll post this and continue later.

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